Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Sandwich

A quickfire dinner is often needed and what better than a bbq chicken and other selected sandwich fillers to slot between some slices fresh ploughmans for a quick and easy meal.

The sandwiches on the night consisted of chicken, cheese, whole-egg mayo (the only mayo) lettuce and some spices and I knocked off two of them. Tarz managed 1.5 and the final ½ was wrapped and fridged. I went to bed safe in the knowledge that I had a half-sandwich breakfast waiting for me the next morning.

At some point an hour or so before I was due to even consider rising, I stirred a bit but I remember thinking about the sandwich and falling back into slumber. My subconscious was now aware of the need for the sandwich and soothed my stirring sleep with thoughts of sliced fresh chicken tit, shaved tasty cheese, crisp lettuce and a fair slathering of the old whole-egg mayo.

Tarz was up earlier than me and was gone by the time I got up. I was starving but didn’t rush to get to the sandwich. I knew there wasn’t a massive feast so I didn’t want to rush in and have it be over in seconds. I got my shit together and headed for the fridge.

As I opened the door the first thing I noticed is that the sandwich was not where I had left it the night before. I didn’t panic but commenced a quick scan of the shelves. Halfway through the scan I realized it was futile. The sandwich was gone. Someone had eaten my breakfast and I just kind of stood there not knowing whether to hunt for a second rate breakfast or to cut my losses and move on, perhaps grab a consolation hot breakfast once I got to work.

I was rattled but I slammed the fridge door closed and headed off. One call to Tarz upon arrival at work confirmed my suspicions that she was the thief. Then again it was technically her sandwich so thievery wasn’t really an issue here. Regardless I felt robbed.

All the negative feelings were soon washed away by an egg and bacon roll and a Dare Espresso.

Still, I’ll never forget that sandwich…….

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